As an embodied womxn, I am not engaged in business, here you will find no brand, work and no sales strategies, but rather, Wild Sexuality is an extension of my very being, heart-work, without the ‘work’. I do not simply impart knowledge, but rather, I offer a wild and holy experience of self-discovery. My offerings are not limited to mere ideas, but rather, they are a remembering of the embodiment of our spirits, reflections of our very essences. I am not a purveyor of information or teacher, or therapist but rather, a co-collaborator in the creation of an earthy haven for the senses to be enraptured by.

This is not a business, but a living, breathing embodiment of who I am as a womxn and my path through this world. It will ebb and flow, like the tides of the ocean, constantly adapting and growing as I continue on my journey of self-discovery. It will be a reflection of my connection to the earth, my ethics and my perspectives, shaped by the experiences that have shaped me and yet will shape me. Like a flower, my business will sprout, grow, bloom, flourish and wilt, crawl back in the earth, guided by the cycles of nature and the flow of the universe. It will go through rebirths many times. It will be a living expression of my unique voice and vision, guided by my intuition and inner wisdom. It is not a stagnant entity, but a dynamic, ever-changing organism that responds to the needs of its community and the world around it. It will be a reflection of my own personal journey, my capacities, capabilities at that moment in time and like me it will be constantly evolving to better serve its purpose and its depth. It is like me poetry in motion, a symphony of my soul, and it is my pleasure to guide you on this journey of self-discovery. Sometimes, my humanity will grip me firmly, I may at times falter and stumble, and I will meet myself with compassion and tenderness so as to create an opening for growth to manifest.

My business is not a financial pursuit, but a hallowed extension of my heart, conjured into existence for creating the change that I want to feel in the world. Indeed, this source of sustenance nourishes not just my wildlings and me, but it goes beyond mere monetary aid. Even if financial gains were not a necessity, I would still engage in this endeavour with the same unwavering passion and dedication. It serves as a powerful catalyst, propelling me to transcend the constraints of societal norms and the shackles of limited consciousness. By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, I am able to access the boundless potential of the cosmos and bring to fruition my most audacious aspirations forth. It necessitates relinquishing the safety and familiarity of the known and embracing the unknown, embracing change as a means of accessing the threshold to realms of unlimited potential, where an abundance of growth and evolution is realised. It is a vital instrument for realisation, a means to lead a life of purpose and fulfilment. As a womxn, it empowers me to embrace my unique voice and vision, and to manifest my wildest dreams in a way that aligns with my values and beliefs.


My pathway is deeply entrenched in the rich soil of compassion, where openness blooms and emotional acuity thrives. It is a passionate vow to meet each one of you, in your entirety, where the earthen and the celestial merge, hold you in an embrace woven from the threads of sensitivity, trust and presence. I vow to continue to unfurl my heart like a fern, allowing the world to flood my being, my kin, and the collective, with the nectar of my love. My purpose is to bridge the chasms of disconnection and reinvigorate our interdependence through the cultivation of compassion and by fostering a symphony of unity through the recognition of our oneness with nature, the earth, and all its inhabitants through our energetic alchemical bodies. By embracing the truth of my intrinsic relationship with the natural world, ‘this extension of my heart’ continually drives me to take action on a community scale.

STEWARDSHIP, leaving behind the scarcity mindset

I will vow to be devoted to initiate transitions from a perspective of deprivation to one of rejuvenation of communal abundance and collective stewardship necessitates embracing the philosophy of sufficiency and the understanding of abundance. This entails cognising that there is sufficient for all and that by harmonising collaboratively and supporting one another, we can attain greater sustenance and peace as a whole. It also entails assuming a leadership role in fostering and creating a sense of community, rather than perceiving others as adversaries. This can involve actively cultivating trust and relationships, fostering a culture of cooperation and mutual aid, and creating a way of being { moving away from dominant structures systems } that promote the well-being of the community. Furthermore, it involves adopting a holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making, contemplating the impact on not just individuals, but also the environment as a whole. This shift in consciousness necessitates a profound comprehension of interconnectivity and interdependence, and the realisation that the sustainability of one is inextricably linked to the sustainability of all.

SOCiaL media & ‘FOLLOWERS’

I shall not taint my integrity by resorting to such tactics as purchasing followers on my social media channels. For to do so would be to betray the trust of those who have chosen to grace me with their presence and to falsely inflate my spread of the my message. I am content to let my true expansion be known organically over time, to let my message be spread through word of mouth and the natural ebb and flow of the digital realm. I will not compromise my principles for the sake of fleeting and hollow validation, for my worth is not measured in numbers, but in the hearts and minds of those who truly know and appreciate me. My ethics, my passion, my being will be my guide in this journey and will be my true testimony to the world.

Social media, with its lack of eye contact, felt sense, and co-regulation, can be a hostile and perilous realm for communication. I aim here to share vulnerably and openly, but will reserve some crucial conversations and explorations for in-person discussions where one can engage in meaningful, somatic and felt conversations that build authentic connection, responsibility and understanding.


I am wholeheartedly dedicated to fostering an environment of trust and respect, one that is free from the manipulation, falsity and deceit that is all too often present in our current digital world. I firmly believe that the journey of self-discovery and healing should be a sacred and safe one, and it is my utmost desire to create a space that is nurturing and non-threatening. That is why I vow to never use manipulative, toxic or re-traumatising marketing tactics to lure you in. I share this with you, not only to create awareness, but also to empower you, dear wild one, to take responsibility for your own well-being and to always be mindful of the language and approach used by those you choose to work with when it comes to such tender parts of ourselves. I encourage you to never give your power away, not to any healer, facilitator or therapist etc.

My marketing language will never evoke a sense of fear or lack, but rather will be crafted with warmth and authenticity. I will refrain from using language that creates a sense of urgency or scarcity, such as "last chance" or "miss out," as I believe that the journey of self-discovery and healing should not be rushed or pressured. Instead, I will meet you where you are at, with respect and understanding, and vow to guide you on your journey, trusting your pace. My focus will always be on creating a safe and nurturing environment for you, as you explore and heal the innermost parts of yourself. 

My journey is one of constant evolution and growth, a symphony of trial and error. Though I may falter, my commitment to creating a sanctuary of trust and respect, free from the manipulation and deceit that plagues our world, remains steadfast. I may not always hit the right note, but I shall strive to harmonise my actions with my words, to create a symphony of human authenticity, warmth and understanding. As I wade through my own errors and imperfections, I ask for your compassion and patience as I refine who I am and my approach over time. I welcome your feedback, for it is also through your guidance and love that I will learn to sing a more truthful tone.


As a guide on your journey of self-discovery and healing, I will never present myself as the ultimate authority, a saviour holding the key to your well-being. Such a portrayal would be to dim the light that shines within you, to undermine the power and agency that is yours alone to wield.

I will not seek to create hype, trend or cult-like following, where my status is elevated or supreme. Such dynamics are too widespread and just feeding the toxicity and damages in our societal and inter-human connections. This is precisely what I am through Wild Sexuality revolting against. Instead, I will approach our work together with humility, respect and understanding, never imposing my beliefs or ideas upon you, but instead walking alongside you as a companion on your journey. I understand that the healing process can be fragile, personal and my goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment for you. I will always respect your boundaries and preferences, and I will never push you beyond your limitations, your edge. I will provide a safe space where you can explore this and choose how to meet yourself there - how deeply to surrender to yourself in this moment. I will be here for you, but I will not command admiration or try to control your healing journey. I will not rob you off the lessons that may be part of your pathway in life, as I would also be robbing your greatest potential of strength and power. My role is to offer you support and guidance, but ultimately, it is you who holds the power to heal and transform yourself. I am here to offer you a hand to hold, a companion to walk with, but the journey is yours, and the light that guides you is within.

As a guide on your healing journey, my goal is to create a community. I will always respect your autonomy and individual needs and I will never use coercion tactics to control your behaviour or thoughts. I will work with you to create a safe and nurturing environment where you can explore and heal the innermost parts of yourself, while also acknowledging and valuing your unique contributions. Together we will work towards a common goal, but always respecting and valuing your own autonomy.

As a guide on the journey of self-discovery, My only interest is to lead you back to you. To the depths of your being, Where truth and beauty reside.

To the place where your inner wisdom speaks, Where your power and agency reside, Where your unique light shines bright.

I will never seek to control or manipulate, But to offer support and guidance, To hold space for your self-exploration and self-discovery.

My role is to assist you in reconnecting with yourself, To trust in your inner guidance, To empower you to take responsibility for your own healing journey.

I will not lead you to a predetermined destination, But instead, accompany you as you navigate your own unique path, Back to the essence of who you truly are.

Back to yourself.


Pricing is not just a matter of figures, but a dance with ethics and integrity. As a woman of the earth, I believe that pricing should sing the song of not just the value of an offering or creation, but also its impact on the planet and the harmony of all. This means that in addition to the cost of creation, materials, and time, we must also hum the tune of long-term sustainability of our business practices and the fair treatment of all those involved. I believe that pricing should be transparent and fair, allowing you to make informed decisions about your investment. I will unveil pricing methodology and the factors that go into determining the price of a creation or offering. In this way, we can foster trust and build long-lasting relationships with our supporters and community. In addition, we will also be mindful of the impact our prices have on different groups of people earning varied wages in different parts of the world. I strive to make our offerings accessible to as many people as possible. This may mean offering sliding scale pricing, scholarships or discounts for those in need. In short, ethical pricing to me is a holistic approach that takes into account not only the worth of what is created, but also the well-being of the earth, all involved parties, and the community at large.


I pray that my calling to be a guide on the journey of self-discovery and healing will root deeper than any criticism that may come my way. Like a tree planted by a river, I will stand strong and steadfast, unshaken by the storms of disapproval and triggered attitudes of brothers and sisters. For I believe in the power of self-realisation and healing, and I am committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for people to reconnect with their own inner wisdom, like a wild meadow where each unique flower is nurtured and respected. I understand that not everyone may understand or agree with my approach, but like the earth beneath my feet, my calling is solid and true. I will not let the winds of doubt sway me, but will continue to offer my service with compassion, humility and authenticity, like a seed that has sprouted and grown strong. I hope that my passion and dedication to my calling will shine like the sun, and that it will be recognised by those who are in need of its warmth, support and guidance on their journey of self-discovery and healing, like a beacon that guides them through the darkness to the light within their hearts.

As a womxn, it is a fundamental aspect of my personal practice to be in touch with my own inner guidance as well as to be receptive to the wisdom of others. I believe that self-awareness and self-improvement are a continuous journey, akin to the seasons that change, and it is my commitment to be open and willing to learn, grow and evolve as a person and as a guide. I understand that receiving feedback, even when it is difficult to hear, is crucial in order to identify and address any areas of improvement. It is through the act of receiving feedback that I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself and my actions, and to make any necessary adjustments in order to provide the best possible service and experience for those I serve.

That is why I value the input of those who are grounded in their own personal practices and who have the courage to speak their truth in a clear and consistent manner. These individuals are the ones I trust to have my best interest at heart and to provide me with honest and constructive feedback. By being willing to receive feedback, I hope to create a safe and nurturing environment for myself and for those I work with, one where growth and self-discovery can flourish. I will always be open and receptive to feedback, like a flower that turning its face to the sun, and I will make every effort to address any concerns or issues that may arise in order to provide the most fruitful experience for those that come to step in.


To "walk my talk" with an earthy sensibility is to ground oneself in authenticity. It is to allow my actions to be rooted in the natural world, in harmony with the cycles of the earth, and in alignment with my true self. It is to move through the world with a grounded and rooted presence, exuding a sense of connection to the earth and its natural rhythms. With an earth and land led approach, my message is not only spoken but also felt, sensed and experienced through the vibrations of my being. A realm where my words and deeds become one with the soil, the wind, and the sky. My message becomes an extension of the natural world, and it is this connection that truly resonates with those around you…..It's about being authentic, genuine and true to oneself, letting your message grow organically, like a seed, nurtured by the earth, until it blooms into something beautiful, something that touches the hearts of those who encounter it. The earthy approach to "walking your talk" is a powerful way to be, one that is both timeless and emotive, one that speaks to the hearts of humans and touches the soul of the earth.


There is no niche here. All are welcome and at the same time I will not be for everyone. The creative force that flows through me is not limited to target a specific category or genre or niche. It is a bountiful and abundant expression of my feminine essence, deeply rooted in the earthy and natural world. What I share here is deeply descriptive and evocative, painting vivid pictures of forgotten lands with somatic words and evoking remembrance that resonates deeply within souls. It is a poetic and artistic outpouring, a celebration of the beauty and complexity of the human experience and our bodies, shared in tales. This remembrance evoked is not confined to a small group of humans, but rather it is a universal and all-encompassing expression of the human spirit itself.


As a woman who is deeply connected to the earth and the well-being of all, I am fully dedicated to breaking the patterns of societal and patriarchal oppression that have traditionally excluded marginalised groups and individuals from accessing the products and services they need. To achieve this, I will be constantly striving to make my business accessible to all by offering various initiatives such as the "Take Your Body Back" project, scholarships for trainings, and payment plans.

The "Take Your Body Back" project is a program that aims to help individuals reclaim their bodies and their health by providing access to affordable, high-quality products and services. This program targets those who have been traditionally excluded from the wellness industry and seeks to empower them with the tools and resources they need to take charge of their own health and well-being.

In addition to the "Take Your Body Back" project, I will also be offering scholarships for trainings. These scholarships will provide individuals from marginalised communities with the opportunity to access training and self development resources and gain the skills they need to succeed in the wellness industry. By investing in the education and development of these individuals, we can work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive industry.

Lastly, I will also be offering payment plans to those who may not have the financial means to pay for products and services upfront. This will allow individuals to access the products and services they need without the burden of financial strain, and in a way that aligns with their financial capabilities. All these initiatives are not only just a business strategy but a way of life and to make a real change in the world and break the patterns of injustice and inequality.


As a feminine leader, I embrace the power of my intuition and emotions in guiding my business. I delve into the shadowy depths of my inner self, unearthing the hidden parts of myself that lay dormant, or have been denied to be felt. By embracing my shadows, I am able to integrate the depths of my being and lead from a place of strength, authenticity and wholeness. Through this process of shadow work, I learn to honour my vulnerability and use it as a source of unwavering power to lead others to theirs. I harness the power of my femininity, using it to connect with others, inspire, and empower. I lead with compassion and empathy, creating a safe space for myself and others to express themselves fully. My guiding is fluid, adaptable and intuitive. I trust my inner guidance and listen to my body’s wisdom. I am courageous and willing to take risks, while also being open to change and uncertainty. I am committed to creating a more inclusive wild and sustainable way of being in monetary exchanges, where we feel seen, heard, and honoured and are nurturing the land just by way of being.


As a womxn of earth and strength, I deeply understand the intrinsic nature of money as a potent force of energy. I possess a steadfast trust in my ability to steward this energy with responsibility and grace. I am fully capable of cultivating a harmonious relationship with money, one where it flows effortlessly and empowers my pathway and all life endeavours. I am keenly aware of the impact of my thoughts and perceptions on my financial reality, and therefore choose to focus on an attitude of abundance rather than scarcity. I am un-shakably confident in my capabilities to expertly manage my finances, make sound investments, and establish financial stability and pour back into the growth of community and sustainability of land and thus also our body lands. I have faith that the universe will bountifully provide for me and that money is safe in my capable hands, putting it to ethical endeavours and using it to create the world I want to see. I am dedicated to using this energy ethically and with purpose, utilising it to manifest the world I envision - one of compassion, sustainability, and growth. I am empowered to create a life and ‘business’ that aligns with my values and positively impacts the world around me. I know that by focusing on abundance and utilising my skills and strengths, I am able to attract prosperity and abundance in all areas of my life.