“sitting with the pipe from narah, my first ever, i felt a deep sense of respect pervading my field from weaving with the smoke and plant beings. a connection naturally unfolding from being in ritual with the pipe and beautiful memories of smoking in her bodywork rituals. a slowing down of self and attunement of sensorial perceptions, like a drum, this lovely pipe feels like a lifelong friend. i appreciate the handcrafted carvings, feel of beeswaxed wood, darkened aesthetic, and the ability to take it apart and clean it. so grateful to consider this offering and blessed to have it by my side.”
— Brenna
“ooooo narah. the pipe is even more beautiful than i could have imagined. full lunacy arrived today and i am so excited to wear it. and your note and packaging touched my heart. so thank you beautiful magical goddess queen.”
— Romilly Rinck
“oh broke ass would pay for this [ full lunacy ritual anointing oil ] over food. ”
— Dani Mingo