Calls from the Deep: When sea creatures Became Our Spirit Guides

It started in the hands. And then moved through both of our entire inspirited bodies.

We are two bodyworkers, drawn to the tides of breath, the intelligence of our ecology, and the deep and uninhabited movements of the body. We met on Narah’s Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork Practitioner Training. Stephanie had found her way there to meet herself deeper in the layers of experiential anatomy, somatic movement inquiries and in following her curiosities to the ecology of the body. But something else began to emerge for each of us but also between us, simultaneously.

It was fluid. Pulsing. Ancient.

At first, it came as a feeling, a sensation of being guided rather than guiding, as if another presence moved with us. Not a voice, not an image, but a deep, undeniable knowing. We had both realised that when we place our hands on bodies, that suddenly, the motion wasn’t ours anymore. The body beneath us wasn’t just a body, it was an ocean, a shifting tide, sometimes a wave in mid-collapse.

And then the creatures came to illuminate the way.

The Starfish and the Jellyfish

One day, as we worked side by side, we shared a strange confession.

“I keep seeing starfish,” one of us admitted.
I think my diaphragm has become jellyfish,” the other whispered back.

We laughed, at first. But the more we spoke, the more we realised something incredible was being gifted to us. These weren’t random ideas. They were arriving, unbidden, from somewhere deep with in our bodies.

The starfish had begun appearing in Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork, guiding the intelligence of our six-limbed awareness, the way of sensing in all directions, and in the power of regeneration. It had also previously showed up in the sessions of clients who had lost something, mobility, hope, or connection to their own bodies. The starfish taught Narah how to regenerate, how to extend into new space, how to move from her navel center. The jellyfish was different. It came in the moments of stagnancy, in the waves of craniosacral-like work, in the soft letting-go of holding patterns that could only ever be opened in this way - through softness. The jellyfish pulses and moves us back into re-enchantment with our bodies. It also reminds us that movement does not have to be muscular to be powerful. Its spirit carries us like a tide, dissolving , always softening into fluidity.

Soma Oceanic Alchemy

Once we noticed them, the ocean beings wouldn’t leave. We began moving differently, not just with our bodyworking hands, but with our whole bodies. The starfish taught us expansion. It showed us how to feel through the skin, through the fingertips, through the subtle sensing that happens beyond the edges of flesh and coming back to center. The jellyfish taught us how to shape shift. The jellyfish reminded is about the mesmerising and ethereal parts of ourselves that we have forgotten to inhabit, it showed us how to free the diaphragm and complete a thousand unfinished exhales. And then more arrived. The Octopus, came shape shifting …… showing us hot to meet resistance with more trust rather than force. The coral moved us into deeper states of heart coherence, and the way of filtering what is needed from what is not. The mollusk came, moving us so ever so slowly, carrying the deep memory of our soft bodied and sensuous insides. The shell brought us into intimacy with the spirals of the self, and thought us how to protect ourselves and embody our boundaries.

We began to understand: our spirit guides were not in the sky. They were not even invisible.
They were in the sea. They were very tangible.
 They were inspirited.

Bodywork as the remembrance of our Oceanic Inheritance

Now, we enter every ceremony, session or circle like wading into water.

We touch like the starfish, expanding into forgotten space, reaching through the skin and sensing you with our whole bodies.
We move like the jellyfish, pulsing, yielding, following your body’s own inherent tides.
We hold space like the coral, anchored, filtering, allowing, so you can swell, and soften in the tides of our care.

And most of all, we listen and tend to you. We tend to the midnight zones inside your body, to the waves that move through our sea of blood and fascia, towards the deep knowing that has always been there, waiting.

Because the ocean does not forget.
And neither do we.

Have your ever been held in a female stronghold that merges poetics and love?…

Have you ever met the poetic experiences living inside your body?

Do you dare yourself to be re-enchanted with your poetic body?



Medusa Flow invites us to shift from initiating movement to feeling through movement. We will come together to explore the body as a fluid, sensing, and responsive ecosystem, attuning to its natural rhythms and its bio-intelligence within.

Like the Medusa, whose body senses the currents before the eyes interpret them, we awaken the skin, the spine, the intuitive body. We explore how movement can arise from deep listening, letting our awareness extend to sensation and our entire bodies as sight. We carry eyes in our hands, in our feet, in our bellies. In this experience, we move from these hidden eyes, exploring the intelligence of touch, breath, and movement. Can you move with trust in the unseen?

*If you have forgotten how to trust the unseen and the darkness, this one is for you.


27th May





The octopus has no skeleton, no set shape, only adaptability. In this experience, we play with shifting form, melting tension, and allowing movement to arise from unexpected places. We explore multidirectional motion, exploring how to move beyond habitual patterns and into fluid responsiveness.

An octopus does not move in predictable patterns, it is wild, adaptive, spontaneous. Here, we free ourselves from linear, conditioned movement and embrace unpredictability, improvisation, and the joy of moving from instinct rather than control.

This is the wisdom of Octa-Soma; a body that is adaptable, fluid, ever-changing.

*If you have forgotten what magic your body is capable of, this one is for you.

coming soon



Venus is born from water, from foam, from the shell. She is birthed of skin, lips, mucosal membranes alive and soft, and full of flow. The mollusk guides us to feel that it is in the sensuous, living pulse and our internal softness, that we create our boundaries from within. In this experience, we will explore ourselves, the way our breath, our soft tissues, our inner tides shape the way we move and exist in in our kinespheres.

*If you are longing to remember your softness, this one is for you.

coming soon



In this somatic prayer, we bring together the celestial guidance of Stella Maris, Our Lady, Star of the Sea and the radial intelligence of the starfish. The ocean has always had a mother. She is the silver thread of light on dark water, the steady presence in the unknown. To move with Stella Maris is to move with faith. We will explore the felt sense of the body as a constellation, each limb, each breath, finding the center in the spiral. We remember how to move like the starfish, expanding outward from a fluid core.

*If your life force energy flows chaotically or uncontrollably, this one is for you.

Coming soon


Coral Heart COherence

Come with us to beneath the surface of the sea, where light bends and time seems to slow. Through partnered tending and shared movement, we explore what it means to sense beyond the individual body. How does it feel to move as part of a larger whole? In togetherness we move and breathe awaken micro-movements. When we connect deeply with another, our heartbeats begin to mirror each other, just as corals synchronise their spawning with the phases of the moon.

*If want to experience coming into heart coherence again this one is for you.

coming soon



Belfast 𓂃 𓈒𓏸 West Cork 𓂃 𓈒𓏸 Wicklow 𓂃 𓈒𓏸 Galway

Do y0u have curiosities?

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