Narah Wilder – Founder of Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork
An overview of Ethics + Ethos + Training + Background
Narah Wilder’s heart-work is deeply rooted in the interconnection between body, land, and spirit. She is devoted to helping others reclaim their relationship to their body through the experience of the Mother/Earth/Land. Narah’s work with Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork is centered in the ecology of our inter-dependency with the land and our inherent bio-intelligence.
Her approach is experiential, eco-somatic and a deep medicinal pathway unique to you - rather than a one size fits all certification.
In a world that is stature driven, certificated-obsessed, accredit-obsessed, and constantly validation-seeking, Narah Wilder invites us on to a different path, one that is raw, wild, and more intimate. She dares us to shift away from these rigid academic hierarchies and to turn inward, into the depth of our own medicine. For her it is not the certificate that grants us the wisdom to hold space, to tend, or to guide; it is the courage to encounter ourselves in totality, the strength to descend into the marrow of our existence, and the integrity with which we hold, bear, and respond to life.
And how far we have de-colonised and re-indigenised ourselves.
Through Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork, Narah's work is a living, breathing reflection of the wisdom of the body in relation to earth, spirit, and the unseen animistic forces which permeate all things. She believes that true medicine can't be commodified or taught, it can only be received in loving spaces through the stability and humility of our hands, the depth of our presence, and the love with which we inhabit our bodies and environments. Can our capacity to hold and tend to another really be adequately judged or measured in what certificates they hold ? Or could it be measured and felt by the seeker in the available depth of love, care and compassion they feel upon engaging with a practitioner?
Can you call home your instinct?
Your discernment…
Are you connected to your gut, as god's messenger ?
Narah's guidance is experiential, eco-somatic, and rooted in remembrance. She does not consider what she does to be a teaching nor an offering of any formal type academic framework, it is through guidance from listening to your own breath, and the natural wisdom of the body that you learn to lead yourself with your community. Narah is just a guide. Yet her tending calls us home, to our hands, to our navels, our breath and our organs, to the mothering strength that lives in every one of us and knows how to care, love, nurture, hold, and tend. With humility, love, and acceptance for what is unseen, Narah calls others not to some bodywork mastery, but to an understanding of self, our humanity, our bodies and the reclamation of our place in our environments.
This is not a journey of achievement.
There is no end.
No level 1,2,3, and no advanced version.
Only beginnings and continuance.
It is a journey of relentless and endless devotion.
Our heart-print on earth.
Clearly, we want to ascertain that when we go to an Osteopath, that they are actually trained in Osteopathy but people don’t come to Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork for the manual therapy; they come here to be held in love and bring forth places that are yet unknown to them.
For that Narah can’t offer you a certifiable background check……
You will have to feel her heart and see if it beats with you.
With Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork, Narah's practice is a living exploration of the interrelated connection among body, earth, and spirit. It is a return to the primal ways, where learning is through lived experience, careful listening, witnessing and remembering our bodily wisdom. Responsibility, and accountability are her initiations. She does not travel this path alone; she is shaped by her elders, tested by her relationships, and held to her integrity by those who observe her. Without these relationships, healing for her is disconnected, cut loose from the very intent that gives it meaning, possibilities and authenticity
Tell me, have you ever been held in the sheerness of love and in the absolute presence of warmth? No course, program or accreditations certifiable on paper has ever shown Narah how to love ... .yet it is the frequency within that healing occurs.
Could we measure our space holders by their capacity to love and hold us?
Narah will love you fiercely and gently.
Who initiated Narah into the art of poetics and love?…
Who taught her how to hold humans in the poetic experiences of their bodies?
Who taught her how to re-enchant humans with their poetic bodies?
No one.
That was carved out of her own deeply medicinal pathway.
It came forth as a gift, an instinct and a deep inner knowing.
It came after transmuting grief, in the aftermath of finding herself after being lost, it rose like curls of smoke out of the absolute destruction of the self smashed into nothing but mist.
Have you ever been held by the poetics of the body, its rhythms, its silences, its yet uninhabited knowing?
Are there others?
Narah wants to connect.
She will only offer you her heart-work.
An offer of the possibilities you hold within by trusting again the bio-poetics of your body.
You decide. You lead here, always.
But this is not a place you get to; it is one into which you can only fall. It is a trust fall.
It is also a very ordinary, humble, lifelong relationship, a daily devotion of showing up in the mystery at the center of and around you. Narah's approach is that of devotion, to your own emergence, to the unseen within you, and to your deep ecological intelligence and your metamorphic movements. This path here is one of growing in community and being witnessed. It isn’t for the faint hearted. You will need to discover your earthen grit to bear being with your own ordinariness.
But it is a path of service and of great responsibility.
Therein lies something extraordinary, does it not?
It is remembering who we are, not by moving in accordance any given framework but by how we show up, again and again, with heart, with courage, and with the willingness to be shaped by those who truly see and love us.
You may not be satiated or satisfied by any of this.
And thats okay too.
Although Narah’s heart beats for this, we can offer you the other version too.
You can get a sense for the spaces Narah has passed through - below.
No hiding the fact that over the past 20 years, Narah has stepped away from, distanced herself from, and even walked out of several trainings. (And for the record, she is 43, people often assume she’s much younger!) While she remains grateful for the lessons they provided, some of these experiences served as powerful teachers in how not to hold space and how not to lay hands on a body. For this reason, she chooses not to name and list them.
She is well aware that people often sift through a practitioner’s list of past trainings, searching for new ways to expand. She’s been there, done that and has learned the hard way that not all spaces are safe or integral, even if they are associated with someone we admire. Because of this, she only shares and stands behind the teachings that remain in deep integrity with her at this moment in time.
Please note: Narah will not be able to respond to messages inquiring whether a particular training is a good fit for you or asking her to comment on her experiences. She encourages you to trust your own discernment and intuition.
Background & Experience
Narah grew up off-grid, on one of Ireland's first organic flower farms and self-reliant small holding [ back in 1992 ] fostering a deep connection with food, nature, flowers, plants, herbs and the simplicity of life.
She spent the last 15 years cultivating a forest garden & kitchen garden exploring the principles of biodynamics and permaculture with her husband and their five children whilst home educating their wildlings. The couple have gone their separate ways now but co-parent their children, held in a beautiful, supportive and loving friendship.
Narah used to keep a herd of wild boars with her husband, she would make all sorts of charcuterie with the meat. Fermenting, preserving, butchering, cheesemaking…are all familiar ways of life to her.
Narah and her five wildlings now live by the ocean on the Beara Peninsula on 2 acres of wild and young rainforest land.
Narah has trained as a natural perfumer under Abdes Saalam Attar [ and this relationship with scents continues ] and she has studied at Jade Shute’s school of Aromatic Studies and the Herbal Academy [ the latter two are intensives but online programs ].
Narah is also a ceramicist trained under Robert Lee, working with earth-based materials and organic forms. Narah makes her own glazes from gathered and ground rocks and ashes from botanicals grown on her land. @narahwilder. She continues to learn from the material, letting the clay teach her….
Narah studied International Relations/Human RightsInternational Relations/ [ although she left in year 4 ] and then set up the first Amnesty International student group in Bristol (2004)
Narah is a training in falconry and is this year about to deepen her relationship with the eagles through returning to her ancestral lands of Mongolia for a 3 week immersion. She also is honing her hunting skills, expanding hunting the sacred deer this year….if she can get her license!
Some of Narah’s personal practices include Aikido and Kyūdō and other forms of archery.
Narah continually partakes in online spaces, offerings and immersions. Such as grief tending spaces, Jungian psychology and varied bodywork mentoring calls/masterclasses. Her favourite online spaces and subscriptions are Advaya, Embody Lab, Science and Non-Duality and Embodied Philosophy.
She is passionate about continually learning, staying aware and speaking for Palestine and other injustices and has been d0ing so since the age of 17, even prior to commencing her International Relations/Human Rights studies at UWE, Bristol.
Please note that the below does not take into account all of the personal self development and self tending that Narah has move through over the years outside of the context of a ‘training’ or ‘teaching’.
Training & EXPERIENCES & immersions
Reflexology – Bristol (2005)
Bowen Technique – UK (2005)
Middendorf Breathwork (Erfahrbarer Atem) – (2006)
Reiki – Bristol (2007) + Reiki – Ireland (2015)
Shiatsu UK – (2007)
Anma Massage – (2008)
Family Constellations Training with Eileen and Brendan O’Brien, Cork. – (2017) Narah also supported on a volunteer/service basis Brendan’s workshops for those bereaved by suicide. There was no cost to those who came. This work led to Brendan completing a Masters Thesis on Suicide, Trauma and Family Constellations. Narah is awaiting news of dates for a Level 2 training.
Chi Nei Tsang (Abdominal Massage) with Lotus Le Blanc – (2020)
Shaktipata – (2020)
Female Prostate Studies with Deborah Sundahl – (2021)
Katsugen Undo – shared with me by a family member who learned from Itsuo Tsuda in the 70’s (2021)
Tantra – several trainings (2016-2022), can only recommend Margo Anand’s SkyDancing Tantra International school.
Somatic Breathflow for NSR (Nervous System Regulation) with the Institute of Applied Somatic. – (2023)
Tami Lynn Kent Online Learning – (2023)
Narah had been immersed in numerous Feldenkrais spaces as far back as 2006, whilst she found the somatic experiences insightful and transformative, she has distanced herself from this now when her awareness grew around the founder associations with the IOF and the Israeli Prime Minister Link
Sound Therapy training with Marko Zigon…..Narah is now working on bringing this space for learning to Ireland in 2025 (Marko is trained in classical music and has a degree in acoustics).
Anatomy Trains by Tom Myers – Online Learning.
All teachings by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen – Online Learning. [Narah’s students receive a discount to Bonnies Online teachings.]
Traditional Thai Massage with Lotus Le Blanc School – (2025)
Karsai Massage with Lotus Le Blanc School – (2025)
Sacred Spaces Facilitator Training with Kirsty Ka
Call of the Lotus with Adrienne
Gaia Method – with Susanne Rousgaard [ also a midwife, which I love! ] Female Sexuality + De-armouring + Fundamental Practitioner Training. (2020 - 2023)
Other forms of De-Armouring & ‘Energetic’ Bodywork – several trainings 2019-2023 (none which I can recommend)
Male Prostate Studies - with Stine Kraage [ also a midwife, which I love! ]
Current Trainings
Shiatsu – re-training with ESS Shiatsu School (Cork) – 2025
Rebirthing Breathwork – re-training [ over 2 years ] with Kerry Veitch (Air School of Breathwork, UK) – 2025
Amatsu (Anma, Seitai, Shinden, Kenku) – 2025
Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy – temporarily pauses studies in Craniosacral Therapy as Narah changes school and awaits an opportunity for the calendar of her preferred school to open.
Future Training
Narah is currently searching for a part time degree in Osteopathy that can work alongside her busy mama of five schedules to begin in 2026/27. It is proving difficult but she is determined to find an oppurtunity.
EFT with Grainne O’Neill May 2025
Narah had applied for a Master’s in Movement, Mind, and Ecology at Schumacher College but sadly they suspended all of their Bsc, MA and PGDip courses due to lack of funding. She is currently on the hunt for another similar program…’s likely to be replaced with the IBMT beginning in September 2025.
Ongoing Training
Narah will also be continuing her adeptness with water bodywork [ Janzu, Wastu, Ocean Bodywork ] over the coming years, whilst she continues to try and raise finances to build a small heated pool on the land to facilitate this experience. She does not yet offer this as part of her service, but will do when she feels ready and resourced with a watery space to offer it within. Watch this space!
Narah is co-authoring a book with Sean Padraig O’Donoghue in 2025.
Sean Padraig O’Donoghue’s work focuses on herbalism, plant medicine and ecological wisdom, and includes:
The Forest Reminds Us Who We Are: Connecting to the Living Medicine of Wild Plants (2021)
The Silver Branch and the Otherworld: Forest Magic with Plant and Fungi Allies
Present Elder & Mentor & Co-TEACHER ON META DNA
Narah is mentored by Julie McIntyre – partner of the dear and late Stephen Harrod Buhner.
Stephen Harrod Buhner’s books:
The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature
Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the Dreaming of Earth
Julie McIntyre’s books:
Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart: Nature, Intimacy, and Sexual Energy
The Confluence of Gaia, Plant Medicines, and the Human Soul
Co Teachers in Meta DNA & Ecological Bodywork
Her program brings together a diverse network of co-teachers, many of these teachers are also teachers that Narah has had the honour of learning from, as well as fellow colleagues and space holders with whom she has close relationships. Narah also works with a dear sister Prakruti Nanda, a neuroscience and behavioural biology + doctoral student at ETH Zürich [ also a previous student of dance and somatics ] and together they co-author and present the trauma aspects of the online training.
Heart Project
Narah is also deeply devoted to facilitating circles with her colleagues Fede & Giulia. Fede who was initiated in the Himalayas for the serving of ancestral remedies, lived as a monk in Burma, and has studied Ethnobotany. Alongside, Giulia his partner who is a somatic movement facilitator, ceremonial singer, and who has studied natural medicine and traditional healing rituals with indigenous healers in Latin America.
In togetherness they are setting up a charitable project and residence in Ireland….watch this space!
A little from Stephanie’s heart too.
Who are we to judge?
I’ll tell you a little
I am a spirit, self initiated. Student of the earth.
Guided by one who moves in knowing,
who stirs what is already within.
Training under a woman whose hands and presence hold the feathers of owls
And yet, in the community,
soft intelligence tends to stir some resistance.
They question what flows without force,
what streams directly from source, untouched by hours
of disembodied training.
But we are the training.
We are the source, moving through.
We rise not just from knowledge, but from experience..
from the breaking, the healing, the hope.
The prophets only of flesh and breath,
and of a life that is lived, not just studied.